Key West Blog

Historic Key West, Florida

 History abounds in Key West, Florida. On my visit to Key West, Florida, I encountered many interesting historical sites that lead me to do a little research on the area. I visited with my family which includes my mom, dad, brother. We went on March 20th and spent 7 hours.  Overall, a very interesting landmark you should all visit.


Beautiful Key West Florida-view from cruise ship.
Key West Florida sign


Fort Zachary

According to Wikipedia, Fort Taylor, named after President Zachary Taylor, is a Civil War era fort that was used by the US army in case the Southern states decided to secede from the nation.  It is famous for the many Civil War military weapons that can be viewed there. In fact, Trip Advisor, states that Fort Zachary has the largest collection of Civil War era military weapons. 

Ft. Zachary

A view from above of the inside of Ft. Zachary


Florida's Southern Most Point Landmark
                  According to Wikipedia, this buoy marks the spot that is the southernmost point south in the United States.  It was originally a small sign, but later in 1983 a large concrete buoy was put to mark the spot that is approximately 90 miles from Cuba. People line up for blocks just to get a picture with the landmark.

Picture of my parents at the Southern Most Florida landmark.  My brother near a landmark showing the distance from Key West to Florida.



While in Key West, I encountered many wild roosters and learned that they were originally brought to Key West from Cuba for the purpose of cock fights.

A few of the many wild roosters that make Key West their home.


One of my favorite historic sites in Key West was the Ernest Hemmingway house.  Hemmingway was a famous author in the 1900's. Today, the only inhabitants of the Hemmingway home are cats. Many of the cats that live there are descendants of Hemmingway's original cat.  The picture below is one of the cats cooling off at the Hemingway house. One of Hemmingway's best-selling books was "The Old Man and the Sea" inspired by his Key West town.    
Picture of one of the many cats that lives in the Ernest Hemmingway house.

Picture looking into the Ernest Hemmingway home located in Key West, Florida.
