Interesting Facts

 This weeks material was very interesting. Starting off with the Spanish missions chapter. This was very interesting. This chapter was about converting any of the natives to christianity.  They would go on missions to find any natives to join and it was working, tho maybe the natives would just be scared as while doing this they had solider's with them. This was incase anything went wrong, but I could see this as scaring the natives. As this went on for time more and more natives joined. However, soon the Spanish would want to strip the natives of their own culture to be just like themselves. However getting rid of their traditions is not something they wanted to do at all. Obviously you can see why this would not work easily. Say someone told you that you could no longer do a practice from your religion or even not even about religion. Maybe your favorite thing to do, and somebody told you that you could no longer do this. You would probably not only be upset but not listen because stripping you from the one unique thing or important thing you love would not be fun. So this relates back to the chapter because now you can see why the natives would not just let the Spanish strip them from their culture. They would often do their traditions when no one was around to see them. 
