Campaigning in 2022

 Connor Murphy: An independent senate member 

"No Bias? You must be an independent! 

As a senate member I would try to pass bills to legalize cannibus in the U.S. In 2019 545,602 people were locked up for canibus crimes. This is an amount way to high, and is filling up jails for a pointless crime. As a senator that has never used a drug it is very pointless for these offenses to be legal. Covid-19: In 2023 Covid is finally dying slowly but surely. From April 13- April 19 94,140 cases were documented, and it is down 23%. We must change nothing about our practices with this. Law enforcement: Between March 2020, and August 2022 law enforcement has fell down 4% due to people being afraid to join due to world issues. As a senate member I will do all I can to fix this!
